jueves, 17 de febrero de 2022


"We are the children of this beautiful planet that we have lately seen photographed from the moon. We were not delivered into it by some god, but have come forth from it. 

We may think of ourselves, then, as the functioning ears and eyes and minds of this earth, exactly as our own ears and eyes and minds are of our bodies. Our bodies are one with this earth, this wonderful ‘oasis in the desert of infinite space’; and the mathematics of that infinite space, which are the same as of Newton’s mind - our mind, the earth’s mind, the mind of the universe - come to flower and fruit in this beautiful oasis through ourselves.

‘The world,’ wrote the poet Rilke, ‘is large, but in us it is deep as the sea.’ We carry the laws within us by which it is held in order. And we ourselves are no less mysterious. In searching out is wonders, we are learning simultaneously the wonder of ourselves."

​-Joseph Campbell 

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