miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister was the first person to ever run a sub four-minute mile. In all of recorded history no person had ever run a mile in under four minutes. In fact, conventional wisdom at the

time said the human heart/lung capacity combined with our muscular skeletal system made it impossibility.
Some said he might even die trying. Some also once said the world was flat.
Roger Bannister knew it could be done. He knew he could do it. He knew this even though he had never reached the four-minute barrier. On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4.
The fact that he broke four minutes for the mile is interesting. What happened next is totally amazing! Just six weeks later an Australian runner broke Bannister’s record. Within a year more than 20 people had run sub four-minute miles. Today it is not uncommon for high school athletes to run the mile in less than four minutes.
What changed? Did our species suddenly become faster? The answer, of course Not! The only difference was the beliefs these athletes had before they started their races.
They believed they could achieve at this higher level…and they did.
What is your four-minute mile? What beliefs are holding you back? Is this limiting belief the truth…or is it just a bunch of bull?
What are you really capable of doing, having or being? What new belief would you have to have in order to make this happen? How could you condition this new empowering belief so it becomes real? What could you do to break the pattern if your old “BS” belief starts to show up?

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