jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Keep it Positive

It all happens to us. That voice, the bad one, that starts to doubt and make you feel like you aren’t capable or that thing you want to happen, just won’t ever happen.
It’s amazing how much we can let this voice get to us, but the reality is, that we don’t have to let it. It’s just a voice…not our true self speaking. Our true self would never talk to anyone, let alone, our-self like that.
For example, if you’re best friend started doubting herself and started speaking negatively, you would never go, “You’re right. You can’t do it”, “You’re right. He doesn’t love you”, “You’re right. You suck”…haha, right?? So why do we talk to ourselves this way?!
Seems crazy.
Just remember you are unique. You are beautiful. You are here and alive for a reason. To give the world YOU. Whatever that is. Stick to it. Be it. Live it. Love it.
Close your eyes…breathe and connect to YOU. Quiet that busy, negative mind of yours and connect with that inner peace, positive, beautiful self of yours. Treat yourself well. Speak kindly to yourself because you’re listening and those thoughts will pay off…giving you more confidence, success, happiness and peace.
You may repeat these positive affirmations to yourself throughout your day:
10 Positive Affirmations
  • “I rise above all limitations”
  • “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be amazing”
  • “I am safe, confident and secure. I feel joyful about my future.”
  • “I am worthy of love”
  • “I love being me”
  • “Today I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting the Universe”
  • “I am totally adequate at all times”
  • “I am safe and secure in my world”
  • “I am whole, perfect and complete”
  • “Yes, i can. I have the strength and I have the passion”
And when those negative thoughts sneakingly slip in…simply replace them with positivity.
Your heart knows the truth, not your head…
Namaste ♥

About the author: Danielle Cuccio

Danielle Cuccio
Danielle Cuccio, RYT is an LA-based Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Yoga Booty Ballet Instructor, Aesthetician and Ayurveda Practitioner.After receiving her BA from The University of California-

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