miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Meditation – The Ultimate Stress Relief

Stress is a natural part of everyday life. The definition of stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires the body to adjust or respond. Stress can manifest itself in physical forms such as headache, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, sleeping problems, nervous tension, and anxiety. Research has shown that stress can even worsen symptoms of some diseases. There is positive stress and negative stress, both of which have effects on the body. Positive stress helps to keep us alert and avoid any dangers. Negative stress happens when we are continuously challenged without any relief or way to relax. Meditation and stress relief exercises are a very effective and natural way to return the body to a homeostatic state.

How it works

Meditation and stress relief exercises restore the body to a calm state, helping the body repair itself and prevent any damage. The physical effect of meditation on our bodies decreases our heart rate and slows breathing. Blood pressure returns to a normal state, oxygen is used more effectively and the amount we sweat is decreased. Less Cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenalin is produced and our bodies produce more positive hormones. Practicing meditation and stress relief exercises will slow the aging process, improve immune function and possibly increase creativity.

How to meditate

Meditation can be very simple. Focusing on a single thought, sound or you’re breathing to completely clear the mind of all distractions. As far as time is concerned, all that is needed is 5 to 20 minutes. This may be difficult when feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Finding ways to fit meditation into your life everyday to relieve stress is easier than one would think. Breathe deep, truly focus on your breathing, this can be done at work at your desk for five minutes. Or simply take a walk, even a short walk around the block and just allow yourself to get calm and peaceful. Listen to music or read, these are ways to “escape” and be liberated from the thoughts of the day.

Meditation for stress relief is the most natural (has no potential side effects) and cost effective way to reduce stress. Meditation can be done anywhere at any time by anyone. There is no need for fancy equipment or special classes. Five to twenty minutes of uninterrupted time, to focus on oneself and restore the body to a homeostatic place. This improves our mind, alleviates physical symptoms and slows the aging process. Feel better today, start today. Source: Project Meditation

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