lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

Fully Awake

10 Signs That You're Fully AwakePosted by: 
Isn’t it obvious that there is a significant global awakening happening? Just as the Mayans predicted so many years ago, the apocalypse would become apparent in 2012. But many misinterpret the apocalypse to be the end of the world, when in fact it actually means an “un-covering, a revelation of something hidden.”
As many continue to argue the accuracy of the Mayan calendar, it can no longer be argued that a great many people are finally becoming aware of what has been hidden from them for so long. Of course this awakening is not an overnight process. It takes time to peel away the many layers of lies to get to the core of the ultimate truths.
It would be beyond pretentious for us to claim to know all of the secrets of the universe. We don’t. Everyday we are humbled by what we don’t yet know.
However, it is becoming clearer by the day what isn’t true. And by that measure alone, it is possible to determine if you’re one of the people beginning to wake up.
Here are ten signs you may be fully awake:
1. You know there’s no meaningful difference between major political parties(Democrats and Republicans): It’s so easy to get caught up the left-right debate and believe there’s a difference between the two major political parties. However, debate is one thing, while actions are another. By their deeds you shall know them, and it is indisputable that there is no significant difference between political parties when it comes to action on the most important issues. Even hardened ideologues like John Cusack are beginning to wake up.
2. You understand that the Federal Reserve, or international central banking more broadly, is the engine of our economic problems: Debt slavery is the totalitarian force that threatens all of humanity, not some temporary political puppet or some greedy Wall Street trader. When a small group of people have the ability to create wealth out of nothing and charge interest on it, they have the ability to enslave the planet to their ownership despite what type of government a country claims to have.
3. You know that preemptive war is never necessary: When we realize that self-defense is the only acceptable form of violence, then we become awakened human beings. To suggest war because someone is different from you, or they may pose a threat in the future is simply ludicrous. And when did the idea of bombing civilians become humanitarian? No one wants war except for the immoral creeps that benefit from it.
4. You know that you’re being systematically poisoned, how, by whom, and why:Admittedly, there’s a lot to learn in terms of how we are secretly being poisoned. But the fact remains that we are being systematically poisoned, and it is likely for the deliberate purpose of dumbing us down and, ultimately, culling the population. Who could believe anyone is so evil to do that to innocent people, you may ask. Well, once you begin to seek the answer to that question, you’re one step closer to enlightenment.
5. You understand that government can never legislate morality, nor should they:When you realize the role of government is only to protect your liberty and work for the well being of the citizens, you’re awakened. There should be one simple law regulating morality: Do no harm. Thus, it’s impossible for the government to enforce morality with guns, cages, and taxes because those clearly cause severe harm to your liberty and our well-being.
6. You know that the mainstream media is wholly owned and manipulated by the ruling elite: A dwindling number of people still actually believe what they hear coming from the establishment media as if it’s gospel, even when they already accept that they are bought and paid for by the elite controllers. Yet, recognizing that they are nothing more than a propaganda machine and a form of mind control are the first steps in being able to critically think beyond the scientific messaging they broadcast.
7. You know that your neighbors are not your enemy even if you have fierce ideological disagreements: This is perhaps the most difficult thing to overcome in the awakening process. But it’s vital to understand that your neighbors have been indoctrinated and hypnotized like the rest of the us, until someone helps shine a light on inconsistencies in our thoughts and beliefs. Most of their ideas are not their own. They are suffering just like the rest of us. It’s okay to condemn their actions if they’re harmful, but those who are awake will not give up on spreading information that can enlighten those who might still be in the dark. None of us were born “awake” and all of us can learn even more.
8. You know that the endgame is one-world control of planet Earth: Once you understand that the endgame for the ruling elite is to have complete control of all vital facets of society through a global government, one-world currency, international armed forces, and so on, it is simple to see through the lies and propaganda surrounding even the most confusing world events. You will never go back to sleep when you fully accept this reality.
9. You recognize that there are esoteric powers manipulating our physical world:Whether you’re a religious or spiritual person, scientific or just plain curious, there are many theories about an invisible force at play in all of this. Obviously it’s impossible to prove exactly what it is. You may not want to believe it, but the ruling elite takes their occult rituals deadly serious. And they likely know something we don’t. Just by keeping an open mind about this possibility, you’ll forever keep an open mind about the things we can actually see, hear, taste and touch. Current science has shown that we can only “see” what the visible light spectrum reveals, which amounts to the tiniest fraction of all that can theoretically be seen within the full spectrum of energy. Part of any awakening is realizing that there is much more that is possible than impossible.
10. The power to change the world rests with you and you alone: For too long people have believed themselves to be weak, or relied on others to change the world for them. You’ll know that you’re fully awake when you realize that you have infinite power to change the world by simply living the change you want to see. First, you have to identify the principles that you believe in and then go out and live by them. If just a small minority took steps to do this, it would shake the establishment to its core.

domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

Charles Chaplin

La vida es una obra de teatro que no permite ensayos...
Por eso, canta, ríe, baila, llora
y vive intensamente cada momento de tu vida...
...antes que el telón baje
y la obra termine sin aplausos.

¡Hey, hey, sonríe!
más no te escondas detrás de esa sonrisa...
Muestra aquello que eres, sin miedo.
Existen personas que sueñan
con tu sonrisa, así como yo.

¡Vive! ¡Intenta!
La vida no pasa de una tentativa.

Ama por encima de todo,
ama a todo y a todos.
No cierres los ojos a la suciedad del mundo,
no ignores el hambre!
Olvida la bomba,
pero antes haz algo para combatirla,
aunque no te sientas capaz.

Busca lo que hay de bueno en todo y todos.
No hagas de los defectos una distancia,
y si, una aproximación.

La vida, las personas,
haz de ellas tu razón de vivir.

Entiende a las personas que piensan diferente a ti,
no las repruebes.

¡Eh! Mira...
Mira a tu espalda, cuantos amigos...
¿Ya hiciste a alguien feliz hoy?
¿O hiciste sufrir a alguien con tu egoísmo?

¡Eh! No corras...
¿Para que tanta prisa?
Corre apenas dentro tuyo.

Pero no perjudiques a nadie y
no transformes tu sueño en fuga.

¡Cree! ¡Espera!
Siempre habrá una salida,
siempre brillará una estrella.

¡Llora! ¡Lucha!
Haz aquello que te gusta,
siente lo que hay dentro de ti.

Escucha lo que las otras personas
tienen que decir, es importante.

Haz de los obstáculos escalones
para aquello que quieres alcanzar.
Mas no te olvides de aquellos
que no consiguieron subir
en la escalera de la vida.

Descubre aquello que es bueno dentro tuyo.
Procura por encima de todo ser gente,
yo también voy a intentar.
¡Hey! Tú...
ahora ve en paz.
Yo preciso decirte que... TE ADORO,
simplemente porque existes.

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Simulación computarizada

Científicos de la Universidad de Washington y la Universidad de New Hampshire han dicho que están estudiando la existencia de posible evidencia que indique que nuestro mundo, tal y como lo conocemos, es una simulación computarizada realizada por humanos en el futuro.
Los encargados del estudio, Martin Savage y Zohreh Davoudi, de la Universidad de Washington y Silas Beane, de la Universidad de New Hampshire, argumentan queestudiarán las partículas conocidas como rayos cósmicos y que planean encontrar errores inesperados en la realidad que pongan al descubierto las imperfecciones de la posible simulación.
Tal idea fue mostrada en la película de ciencia ficción “The Matrix,” en la que a Neo, el héroe de la cinta, se le revela que la realidad no es más que una simulación virtual, en la que un deja vu, o un recuerdo de una situación vivida anteriormente, es un falla de la computadora.
La teoría de que la realidad es algo más que lo que parece ser no es nueva. En la antigüedad el filósofo griego Platón hizo un estudio, la famosa parábola de cueva, en la que asevera que la realidad era simplemente sombras de objetos reales en el muro de la cueva.
Savage también dijo que en un futuro científicos representarían el universo creando un hipercubo consistente de cuatro dimensiones, tres para el espacio y una para representar los puntos en el tiempo.
Algunos se muestran escépticos ante el estudio.
Jim Kakalios, profesor de ciencias físicas de la Universidad de Minesota dijo el estudio podría no probar nada, ya que de encontrar evidencias de la falta de una naturaleza continua del tiempo y el espacio, eso simplemente podría indicar “que esa es la forma en la que el tiempo y el espacio es, solo que nunca nos dimos cuenta de eso antes.”
Kakalios refuta el estudio debido también a que toma en cuenta que simuladores en el futuro son capaces de recrear la conciencia humana, algo que los humanos no entienden a plenitud todavía.
“No entendemos la conciencia. La neurociencia es donde la física estaba enfocada antes de la mecánica cuántica. Es un problema más interesante que el simular protones,” dijo Kakalios.

Become a Loving, Positive Person

18 Things You Can Do Right Now 

We live in denial of our inherent negativity for the most part, and often wonder why the world around is so mean and reckless. Unlike dogs we may not be born eternal optimists, but positivity is something that can be imbibed even if a tad forcibly; such as by trying to tweak our sense of humour, the way we react to a given situation, by being more pleasant and believing others too have a mind, and by smiling each time somebody says ‘thank you’. While positivity is a state of mind, the answer lies in our perspective. Here are 18 things you can do right now to becoming a more loving and positive person.
It’s one thing to wax eloquent on positivity, but quite another to be a positive person at heart. Despite believing to have a positive outlook, we invariably weigh the cons first. What’s more, we prefer needless sarcasm for humour, manage a wry smile when something is genuinely funny, and believe deep down that the glass is actually half empty.
18 Things To You Can Do To Change Your Outlook:
1. Have the desire: To become a positive person one must have a strong desire to be positive. And the desire will come only if you are convinced that becoming a positive person will enhance the quality of life. Positivity is like an aura, and you know you are a positive person when people start trusting you, random people become polite with you, colleagues at work respect your positive outlook and you start building rapport easily.
2. Believe in all possibilities: About what you can or cannot do. About what is possible or impossible. Don’t allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly! Once you realize all is possible, the doors of limitation that were closed in your mind will open be connected to all those aspects of consciousness.
3. Be realistic: Do not try to become a saint. Becoming a positive person does not mean you can never have any negative emotion or encounter any negative situation. It is the overall attitude that matters and your reaction to every experience. Don’t get bogged down by failure, and disappointed when your expectations are not met. Understand that everything is of service to you. All experiences are neutral and our perception is what creates our positive or negative outlook.
4. Experience empowerment rather than criticism: Give up your constant need to complain and criticize about those things — people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. When you criticize, you are passing self-judgement for something lacking in your life that you refuse to let go of. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. For every opportunity you feel the inclination to criticize, try to think about how that specific situation is serving or benefiting others.
5. Experiment: Be a keen observer. Use everyday life incidents to see how you can manage them in a more positive manner. These will serve as perfect instances to turn your outlook more positive. For starters, contemplate how you could have better handled a situation by being less hostile and more indulgent. Come up with five ways that could have saved the day, and learn to take things at face value sometimes. Remember, your ability to trust the other person also reflects your genuineness.
6. Accept responsibility: Guilt is a trick of the mind. Accept responsibility for yourself, your life and your actions. You are response-able. You are an adult. You are account-able, meaning, with every action you take, you account for it. You chose to do it; you must accept the consequences of it and you did it all for a reason…to learn. If you continue to feel guilty, you stop learning.
7. Speech and body language: Try and make positive words a part of your daily lingo, and work on your body language in way that you come across as friendly and approachable. Look amused when something is amusing, laugh when something is funny, congratulate when credit is due, and give others a chance to narrate their side of the story. Never think you are the only interesting, knowing one around.

8. Be yourself:
 You are unique. Enjoy your uniqueness. Nobody in the world is just like you. Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. The moment you take off all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.
9. Company: One way to becoming positive is to seek positive company as both positivity and negativity are infectious. If the people you spend most of your time with are grumpy or have a pessimistic standpoint, you’ll find yourself inadvertently mirroring the same emotions with others. In order to inculcate positivity it is imperative that your friend circle is a positive, energetic, and a happy bunch. You’ll find yourself carrying the same positivity everywhere you go.
10. Think here and now: The past and future often set us on a path of emotional turmoil. We often assume the past looked so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for — the past that you are now dreaming about — was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.
11. Activities: Do not remain idle and brood. Take up positive activities with others or in isolation. Share a joke, narrate a pleasant incident, take part in sporting activities, go for a run in the evening after work, have healthy sex, and you’ll find yourself bubbling with positive energy.
12. Take it easy: Everyday life is bound to give you shocks. Be prepared to minimise impact and shrug it off. For instance, you may get too hassled everyday while driving to work or trying to park your car. When you accept the fact that certain things cannot be changed, you’ll be more at ease with yourself and those around too.

13. Drop your expectations:
 Let go of any expectations of yourself that will limit your growth. If you hold high expectations for how others should behave, you will often be disappointed if they do not represent themselves in the manner you expected. It is only your expectations of people that cause you to judge them which ultimately is a judgement of yourself. Far too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They often forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need. You have one life — this one right now — you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.
14. Maintain a diary: Instead of recounting all events of the day, filter out only the positive ones and make a note of them. It could be anything trivial from your bus arriving on time, your mom cooking a delicious breakfast, to remembering to pay the bills on time. When we look for positivity in the little things that make our lives worthwhile, we leave no room for negativity. Try consciously practising this for 10 days, and at the end of day ten when you read your diary back you’ll only have memories of all the good things that happened to you.
15. Meditate: Not only does it secrete happy hormones but also creates a sense of awareness within you. You will learn to control your breathing, and by way of it, control your mind from wandering. Every time you meditate, you feel a surge of positive energy through your body that calms your nerves, soothes your mind, elevates your mood, and not to mention enhances your level of tolerance.

16. Embrace change: 
Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change — don’t resist it.
17. Re-invent your need to be right: There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong — wanting to always be right — even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. We love to right-fight. It’s just not worth it because the state of being right is all subjective with so many layers and perspectives of truth. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question:“Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?” ~ Wayne Dyer.
18. Say ‘thank you’: Thank god, thank your parents, friends, and thank yourself for all the hard work you did, for everything you achieved. Saying thank you frequently makes you humble, and a humble person is seldom cynical.

Josh Richardson is blogger, healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of human consciousness.

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Víctor Jara

Justicia chilena ordena detención de 7 ex miliares por crimen de Víctor Jara

Santiago. La justicia chilena ordenó este viernes la detención de siete ex oficiales del Ejército chileno, acusados de autores y cómplices del asesinato del cantautor Víctor Jara, ocurrido pocos días después de la instalación de la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet, en 1973, informó el Poder Judicial.
“El ministro en visita (juez especial) de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago Miguel Vázquez Plaza dictó procesamiento en la investigación por el homicidio del cantautor Víctor Jara Martínez, ejecutado el 16 de septiembre de 1973, en el Estadio Chile”, señaló en un comunicado.
Víctor Jara, autor de canciones como Te recuerdo Amanda o El cigarrito, fue detenido al día siguiente del golpe de Estado que derrocó al gobierno del socialista Salvador Allende e instaló la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).
Días después, tras permanecer detenido junto a otros 5 mil prisioneros en un estadio de Santiago, el cuerpo de Jara fue encontrado en un terreno baldío con 44 impactos de bala y sus manos mutiladas.
Hasta ahora la justicia no había logrado identificar a los autores materiales de su asesinato, uno de los crímenes más emblemáticos de la cruenta dictadura de Pinochet, que dejó más de 3 mil víctimas mortales.
En su resolución, el juez Vázquez ordenó la detención como autores del delito de 'homicidio calificado' de los ex oficiales Hugo Sánchez Marmonti y Pedro Barrientos Núñez, quien vive actualmente en Estados Unidos, por lo cual se emitió una orden de cáptura internacional.
Como cómplices, el juez encausó y ordenó la captura de los ex militares Roberto Souper Onfray, Raúl Jofré González, Edwin Dimter Bianchi, Nelson Hasse Mazzei y Luis Bethke Wulf.
Todos los imputados deberían ingresar al Batallón de Policía Militar Nº1, en Santiago.
En la resolución judicial de este viernes, el juez Vázquez estableció que Jara fue detenido cuando se encontraba en la Universidad Técnica del Estado, donde ejercía como profesor, y luego trasladado al Estadio Chile, un recinto cerrado en el centro de Santiago que hoy lleva el nombre del cantautor y fue usado como centro de tortura tras el golpe de Estado.
Durante su detención, el cantante “fue reconocido por el personal militar instalado al interior del Estadio Chile, siendo separado del resto de los prisioneros, para ser llevado a otras dependencias ubicadas en los camarines, ocupadas como salas de interrogatorios y apremios, donde fuera agredido físicamente en forma permanente, por varios oficiales”.
“El día 16 de septiembre de 1973 (…) se dio muerte a Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez, hecho que se produjo a consecuencia de, al menos, 44 impactos de bala, según se precisa en el respectivo informe de autopsia”, concluye la resolución.
La investigación judicial se reactivó en 2005, luego de que un soldado que estuvo en el Estadio Chile reconoció haberle disparado, aunque luego se retractó. Su versión, no obstante, llevó a la Justicia a ordenar la exhumación de su cuerpo.
En diciembre de ese año, miles de chilenos acompañaron a su viuda, la británica Joan Turner, y sus hijas Manuela y Amanda, a otorgar al músico el funeral que no tuvo en 1973, cuando fue sepultado en el casi total anonimato.

Betty Mahmoody

In August of 1984, Michigan housewife Betty Mahmoodywent to Iran with her husband and four year old daughterMahtob Mahmoody, on a two week trip to visit his family in Tehran. However, once the two weeks were over, he refused to allow them to leave. Betty Mahmoody and her daughter became virtual prisoners of a man who had rededicated himself to the Shiite Islamic faith. Thus began an 18 month tour of terror in which Betty Mahmoody lived in fear of her husband and secretly plotted her escape to freedom. 

Trapped in an openly hostile and alien culture, Betty Mahmoody had the odds stacked against her - first as a woman in a land where women have no rights and as an American at a time when Americans were despised. Her story and daring 500 mile escape across the mountains on horseback and on foot into Turkey are chronicled in her Pulitzer Prize nominated, best selling book, Not Without My Daughter. It is a compelling adventure and gripping account of an ordinary woman's extraordinary courage. 

Since returning from Iran in 1986, Betty Mahmoody has devoted her life to helping hundreds of others in similar situations. She is the President and co-founder of One World: For Children, an organization designed to promote understanding between cultures and to offer security and protection to children of bi-cultural marriages. She was also chief instigator for legislation passed in Michigan relating to international kidnapping and worked on a Federal Bill which was signed into law by President Clinton regarding the same issue. 

Betty Mahmoody's awe-inspiring story of fortitude during her two years in Iran is one of hope, courage, resourcefulness and action. She lectures around the world and has appeared on numerous television talk shows - including 20/20 with Barbara Walters, Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, and Dr. Phil, among countless other national and international tv and radio shows. Her story, Not Without My Daughter, has been adapted to a feature film starring Academy Award winning actress, Sally Field. 

Betty Mahmoody's second book, For the Love of a Child, answers many questions presented by readers from the first book, and presents the issue of terrorism to children by their trusted parents, proving that international parental child abduction is a global problem. It educates and raises awareness, thus helping to prevent abductions.

Both books have been translated into over 70 languages and have been worldwide bestsellers. Mahmoody was voted Author of the Year by the people of the Netherlands; received the Gold Key to the City of Paris Award; Child Abuse Prevention Services Award; America's Freedom Award; Outstanding Woman of the Year by Oakland University and as the Most Courageous Woman of the Year and Woman of the Year in Germany. She also received an honorary degree from her Michigan alma mater, Alma College. 

For several years Betty Mahmoody has been pleasing crowds worldwide while sharing her life-changing experiences with them. Now, Not Without My Daughter has become a dynamic, inspirational mother--daughter speaking team. Audiences worldwide have always had the same first question from Betty. "How is Mahtob?" Now mother and daughter traveling together, can give the audience information to answer that question for themselves. 

Everyone has a story. No one is immune from life's challenges. But why is it that when faced with these challenges, some not only survive but actually thrive, while others crumble? What is it that distinguishes survivors from victims? 

Being held hostage in a war-torn country by an abusive husband and father is just one of the many challenges faced by the team. After the escape they had to learn how to cope with what they had endured, how to balance ongoing security fears with the freedom they held so dear , and how to forgive. More than twenty years have passed since the escape from Iran, and like everyone, the two have continued to come up against new obstacles. At the age of thirteen, Mahtob was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and shortly after her 21st birthday their worst fear was realized - her dad found her. 

All too often, we fall into the trap of thinking that our stories consist only of challenges we face, the tragedies we endure. So often in life, we have no control over the obstacles we face, but we always have a choice in how we react to those obstacles. Each new challenge brings along with it a new lesson, a new opportunity, a new blessing. It's easy to focus our attention on what's going wrong. When we do, we rob ourselves of the joy that is all around us. We each have the power to choose how we measure our lives. Mahtob Mahmoody says, "I choose to measure my life not by its challenges, but rather, by the happiness I collect along the way.

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

Lee Iacocca

On this day in 1978, Ford Motor Company chairman Henry Ford II fires Lee Iacocca as Ford's president, ending years of tension between the two men.
Born to an immigrant family in Pennsylvania in 1924, Iacocca was hired by Ford as an engineer in 1946 but soon switched to sales, at which he clearly excelled. By 1960, Iaccoca had become a vice president and general manager of the Ford division, the company's largest marketing arm. He successfully championed the design and development of the sporty, affordable Ford Mustang, an achievement that landed him on the covers of Time and Newsweek magazines in the same week in 1964.

In December 1970, Henry Ford II named Iacocca president of Ford, but his brash, unorthodox style soon brought him into conflict with his boss. According to Douglas Brinkley's history of Ford "Wheels for the World," Henry authorized $1.5 million in company funds for an investigation of Iacocca's business and private life in 1975. Suffering from a heart condition and aware that the time for his retirement was approaching, Ford made it clear that he eventually wanted to turn the company over to his son Edsel, then just 28. In early 1978, Iacocca was told he would report to another Ford executive, Philip Caldwell, who was named deputy chief executive officer. In his increasingly public struggle with Ford, Iacocca made an attempt to find support among the company's board of directors, giving Ford the excuse he needed to fire him. As Iacocca later wrote in his bestselling autobiography, Ford called Iacocca into his office shortly before 3 pm on July 13, 1978 and let him go, telling him "Sometimes you just don't like somebody."
News of the firing shocked the industry, but it turned into a boon for Iacocca. The following year, he was hired as president of the Chrysler Corporation, which at the time was facing bankruptcy. Iacocca went to the federal government for aid, banking on his belief that the government would not let Chrysler fail for fear of weakening an already slumping economy. The gamble paid off, with Congress agreeing to bail out Chrysler to the tune of $1.5 billion. Iacocca streamlined the company's operations, focused on producing more fuel-efficient cars and pursued an aggressive marketing strategy based on his own powerful personality. After showing a small profit in 1981, Chrysler posted record profits of more than $2.4 billion in 1984. By then a national celebrity, Iacocca retired as chief executive of Chrysler in 1992. 

Manifiesto del optimismo de Eduardo Punset

«El pasado fue siempre peor, y no hay duda de que el futuro será mejor.» Ese mensaje orienta el Viaje al optimismo al que nos invita Eduardo Punset. Los constantes avances científicos, que recorreremos con el autor, justifican abordar con entusiasmo el futuro. En este viaje, Punset desmiente que la crisis sea planetaria, proclama la obligada redistribución del trabajo mientras la esperanza de vida aumenta dos años y medio cada década, y recuerda que ya no es posible vivir sin las redes sociales. Hoy, afirma, «la manada reclama el liderazgo de los jóvenes», es más necesario que nunca «aprender a desaprender» y debemos asumir que la gestión de las emociones es una prioridad inexcusable.
  • No es cierto que exista una crisis económica planetaria, lo que existe es una crisis específica de países específicos.
  • La esperanza de vida aumenta 2,5 años cada década. Por primera vez aprendemos que hay vida antes de la muerte y que cualquier tiempo pasado fue peor.
  • La educación y la medicina avanzan hacia la personalización, y nos obligan a engendrar un nuevo modelo social. La prevención será más importante que la curación.
  • Un gran descubrimiento: el aprendizaje social y emocional. Por primera vez en la historia de la evolución empezamos a conocer y gestionar las emociones. Y sabemos que es tan importante aprender como desaprender.
  • Las redes sociales son lo que nos hace distintos del resto de animales. El origen de la interconexión actual está en las rutas de la Seda y del Incienso. Gracias a la revolución digital ahora la comunicación puede ser instantánea y universal.
  • Tras los avances de las ciencias de la mente, hoy conocemos la importancia del inconsciente con relación al pensamiento racional. Por primera vez constatamos que podemos confiar en la intuición.
  • Nunca habíamos sabido tanto sobre la naturaleza de la felicidad. Eso es lo esencial: la felicidad se encuentra en la sala de espera de la felicidad.
  • Otro de nuestros quebraderos de cabeza seculares: la belleza. Sabemos que la belleza es ausencia de dolor, o sea, la que refleja un rostro con un nivel de fluctuaciones asimétricas inferior al normal.
  • Evolutivamente, en tiempo de crisis, la manada se vuelve hacia los jóvenes para que ejerzan su liderazgo. Es pues, la hora de los jóvenes. No pueden defraudar.
  • Hace unos años estábamos convencidos de que la visión del universo correspondía a la realidad. Luego descubrimos que esa visión dependía del marco y de las emociones. Ahora sabemos que es el resultado de un modelo matemático: la incertidumbre envuelve a nuestro universo.

Marcelo Rittner

Tener una actitud negativa es renunciar a que las cosas se den; es cerrar los portones de nuestro corazón a la posibilidad del amor. Una actitud negativa es decir "no" al futuro. Es anular nuestras propias plegarias. pero una actitud positiva es afirmar nuestro amor a la vida y al futuro.
Por sobre todas las dificultades, desilusiones y tristezas que toquen tu alma, siempre elige la vida. No maldigas la oscuridad, mejor enciende la luz. Cuando creas que todo está mal, no dejes de contar tus bendiciones. Vive con una actitud positiva. Vive cada momento. Vive el ahora. Escucha la melodía de tu propia voz. Vive conectado y con pensamientos positivos para que, algún día, el mundo exterior sea tan bello como podemos hacer nuestro mundo interior. Vive con tal intensidad que puedas hacerlo realidad.
Vive con la idea de que hay que bailar cada día, aunque sólo sea con el pensamiento, porque lo  mejor está por venir.

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Charles Dickens

Publicado por Cendrero (Adm. El Busto de Palas)

El pequeño Dickens nació en una familia pobre, de clase media pero llena de deudas. Desde pequeño le privaron de una buena educación yhasta los nueve años no pudo entrar en una escuela. Como bien se describió él mismo posteriormente, era "un niño muy pequeño y no especialmente cuidado".

- Quizás el principal responsable de todo esto fue el padre de Charles, que derrochaba el dinero sin sentido. Constantemente le llegaban nuevas deudas que se acumulaban y que llevaban a la familia a empeñar todas las posesiones. Hasta tal punto llegó su padre que lo tuvieron que meter en la cárcel por falta de pagos.

- A los doce añosel joven Charles Dickens ya se vio obligado a trabajar. De una forma casi esclava y cobrando apenas unos pocos peniques, consiguió un trabajo en una fábrica de betunes (para los curiosos: la fábrica se llamaba "Warren's boot-blacking factory"). Esta etapa marcaría por completo la vida de Charles, sobre todo cuando su familia empezó a recuperarse económicamente: Para su asombro, sus padres decidieron que siguiera trabajando en la fábrica a pesar de que estaban gozando de una buena época. Esta traición por parte de sus padres nunca fue olvidada por el joven escritor.

- Una de las grandes aficiones de este chico falto de educación fue la lectura. Era un apasionado de las novelas picarescas, como las de su escritor favorito Henry Fielding o Tobias Smollett. Entre sus lecturas, se encontraban obras maestras de la literatura, como Robinson Crusoe o Don Quijote de la Mancha.

- Uno de los mayores desastres de su vida (y una de las mayores fortunas para los aficionados a la literatura) se produjo cuando se destrozó su carrera como actor de teatro. Realmente, ese fue uno de sus mayores sueños, le encantaba interpretar, sobre todo a Shakespeare. Pero, justamente el día que iba a hacer las pruebas para entrar en un teatro, enfermó gravemente de gripe. Sus sueños de ser actor se acabaron allí.

- Entre las muchas curiosidades de su vida, destaca que muchas veces, sobre todo en sus inicios, escribió con el pseudónimo de Boz.¿Y por qué lo hizo? Dickens trabajaba gustosamente en un periódico en el que hacía crónicas de lo que pasaba en el parlamento inglés, era un buen empleo para él. Pero, cierto día, un redactor le ofrece trabajar en su periódico para que hiciera crónicas de lo que pasaba en la vida cotidiana del ciudadano medio, querían que Dickens explicara a la verdadera sociedad de la época, querían que explicara a la clase media de la que él había salido. Dickens no se arriesgó a perder su trabajo como cronista del parlamento, pero igualmente deseaba ampliar su trabajo y hablar de la sociedad trabajadora. Como resultado, salió el curioso pseudónimo de Boz, con el que firmaba los artículos referentes a la sociedad londinense. De esas crónicas saldría su primer libro, una especie de recopilación de los apuntes de Boz.

- Dickens siempre mostró una gran solidaridad y un gran afán por defender los derechos humanos. Denunció la pena de muerte, defendió la mala situación que vivían los pobres ingleses, y sobre todo se repugnó de la racista esclavitud que existía en los Estados Unidos de su época, quizás porque el trabajo al que eran sometidos los negros esclavos se parecía mucho al trabajo en la fábrica de betunes que tuvo en su infancia. Cabe destacar este punto, ya que tanto en sus novelas como en su vida siempre defendió a los más desfavorecidos, y sobre todo a los esclavos. Como periodista también hizo diversas campañas y críticas sobre la pobreza en Gran Bretaña.

Una de sus grandes aficiones eran los viajes.Cambió de vivienda muchísimas veces, e hizo todo tipo de viajes por el mundo. París, Estados Unidos, Italia, su Inglaterra natal... todo destino era un buen destino para él.

- Las obras de Dickens fueron muy famosas, tuvo un éxito abrumador. Y, precisamente por ello, sus obras fueron ampliamente copiadas y en muchas ocasiones no se respetó al autor. Por ello, fue un gran defensor de los derechos de autor, los cuales todavía no se respetaban en su tiempo, falta que le ocasionó más de un contratiempo.

- Cuando Dickens ya era un escritor de renombre y sus obras eran conocidas por el mundo entero, se encontró durante sus viajes en Francia con otro grande de la literatura, Alejandro Dumas. Pero, ¿sabéis quién más estaba allí? Julio Verne, discípulo de Dumas en esos momentos. Esos tres genios de la literatura se encontraron en París, donde mantuvieron una agradable amistad y seguramente intercambiaron todo tipo de ideas e inspiraciones literarias.

- En una ocasión, mientras estaba haciendo un viaje en tren, sufrió un grave accidente. Un puente en construcción se destrozó cuando estaba pasando el tren y hasta siete vagones de primera clase cayeron al precipicio, formando numerosos heridos. Por suerte, el vagón de Dickens permaneció intacto y no sufrió ningún daño. El escritor se dedicó a atender y curar enfermos, una horrible visión que reflejaría en algunas de sus novelas.

- Y finalmente, la vida de nuestro querido Charles llega a su fin el 9 de junio de 1870. Con 58 años, sufre una hemorragia cerebral y nos deja uno de los mejores escritores de su época. Antes de morir, hizo gala de su solidaridad y dejó claro que ninguna estatua debía construirse en su honor, no quería ningún homenaje de ese tipo.

"Él fue un simpatizante del pobre, del miserable, y del oprimido; y con su muerte, el mundo ha perdido a uno de los más grandes escritores ingleses"

Lessons from Henry Ford

By Mr. Self Development

Henry Ford was a remarkable man who founded the Ford Motor Company; he was also the creator of the assembly line.  In October of 1908 Ford introduced the “Model T” automobile and single-handedly revolutionized the transportation industry as well as the American industry.

Ford was an amazing inventor who was awarded 161 U.S. patents and amassed one of the world’s largest fortunes, most of which he left to the Ford Foundation.
Today I want to talk about seven amazing success lessons from Henry Ford the inventor and pioneer!
7 Must Read Success Lessons from Henry Ford:
1. Serve Others
“A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.”
The secret to success lies in serving others!  All successful people serve, the greater the success, the greater the service.  Wealth is created from service, wealth only comes from service.  Ford said, “Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.”  Who are you serving?
2. Focus
“There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.”
You are completely unaware of your potential, because you’ve never focused all of your efforts on one task.  You spend an hour of your day doing this, three hours doing that, but you never focus all of your attention to one assignment. 
When you focus your life, impossibilities become possibilities.  Get focused, you can do more than you think you can!
3. Be Productive
“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”
We all have 24 hours in our day, yet some succeed while others fail.  Why is this?  The reason is because some successfully control their day, while others are controlled by their day.  Some dictate where their day goes, while other’s let their day dictate where they go.
If you fail, you will fail because you failed to make excellent use of your time, if you succeed, you will have succeeded in mastering your time!  Are you mastering your time?
4. Solve Problems
“Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.”
You will only be rewarded for the problems that you solve for other people.  Are you solving any problems?  If you solve big problems you will receive big rewards, if you solve little problems, then you will receive little rewards.  If you solve problems for a few people, then your payment will be small, if you solve problems for the masses, then you will become rich. 
Don’t waste your time going around problems, solve them!
5. Nothing is Particularly Hard
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
Henry Ford said, “There are no big problems; there are just a lot of little problems.”  When you think about it…you see how true this is, nothing is really “that hard.”  You climb a mountain one step at a time; the individual steps aren’t hard; the hard part is being consistent.
Eat your elephant one bite at a time, and one day it will be all gone.
6. Keep Your Eye on the Prize
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
Never take your eyes off your goal!  It is the goal that motivates; it is the goal that gives you the strength to keep going.  You must consistently see what you want to be.  You must see the goal as complete; you must experience the goal as accomplished in your imagination.
7. Think!
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”
Thinking is how you prepare, it’s the hard work, it’s where you figure out the little nuances and “make ready” your plans.  Ford said, “Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.”  Are you ready?  Are you thinking?
Thinking is the hard work, but someone’s gotta do it, someone’s gotta get ready to succeed!